Monday, March 9, 2015

I have committed the blogging crime of not staying current. This is because when I first created this blog, to keep people appraised of the status of our innovative visaully-augmented eBook, I had no idea the financial challenges we were about to hit. Money fell away, people fell away, promises were retracted, lies proliferated. Needless to say, the very thing I created Cinenovel the this new genre to do; get away from the disingenuousness of Hollywood and its people, I came up against the same in this endeavor.

I'm not crying. Merely presenting my case. Now, the book, "The Plunge of Icarus" is done - all 500 iPad frames (yes, it is epic) of glorious color and surrealistic story telling. Not to worry, 500 frames does not mean 500 pages. The actual text is equivalent to a novella.

We're on the Apple App Store and the iBook Store. Go to and click through for direct access. The book is now available as both a unique Novel/App as well as an iBook.

As an ardent indie we are suffereing the concerns of the vast predictions of books going the way of the wind. I hope that's not true, but the evidence is unfortunately all around us.

Perhaps, as idealistic as it may sound, I am hoping that Cinenovel, by presenting a slightly different approach to reading, would catch on and inspire other authors to take a look at the potential to add visuals to their words.

We shall see. Yes, we shalle see.